Friday, July 2, 2010

A few pictures, a few words

I have exciting news!  Our sweet little niece Pennie is now walking!  Kassandra posted a video at 6:30 on 6/30 of her walking, it was so sweet.  And she's only 10 months old GO PENNIE!!!!  Brooke is starting to communicate in sentences and Lexi is reading and spelling...she's on lesson 70 out of 100 in her reading lessons.  I have to recommend "Teach you child to read in 100 easy lessons", except that its not easy for the mom.  It's been fairly "easy" for Lexi I guess, but not me.  I can't wait until we're done - we both keep putting it off.  It really works though, so if you have the gift of teaching I'm sure it will be easy!  I dont have the gift of teaching as I've recently realized- or patience, but that's a fruit of the spirit, so I guess that's my fault ;).  Lexi seems to be catching on so thank God for that!
She is doing very well and shocked me by writing and spelling Lexi Loo Loo the other day by sounding it out:

Here are some rainbows after last week's rainstorms.  We had seen so many rainbows since we've moved here - I LOVE THEM!

Here is a picture of Brooke napping with Daddy - they both sleep more peacefully when they fall asleep together on the couch:

Lexi & Brooke watching a Leap Frog DVD - I think Brooke has a lazy eye (both sides = a miracle Lexi doesn't have it) and you can see it pretty well here.  We'll find out next week after her 2 year check up....looks like a surgery may be in the future :( poor baby!

Lexi and I cooked Strawberry Pancakes yesterday for breakfast - she was pretty happy about it!

I found Elmo in an open casket on the coffee table.....were they having a wake?  Ever since Lexi has learned about heaven, she's been kind of morbid.  Should I not make it seem quite so enticing? It kind of freaks me out haha.....

Lots going on this weekend - more pics to follow soon!

1 comment:

  1. heehe pennie says thank you...she thinks she's the cats' meow.

    i have NEVER noticed an eye problem on brooke :( shocked is the word! maybe it will work itself out. or maybe i'm oblivious.

    oh, it's much easier to teach children that aren't just is so don't be too hard on yourself as she's reading at 4!

    (and i personally loved the wake...very creative)
