Saturday, May 29, 2010

Back to work and loving it!

This Wednesday was my first day back to work and I'm having a blast!  It's really nice to have that time again to work and have the camaraderie amongst my co-workers.  The people I'm working with are really cool and fun and its refreshing to have some adult conversation.  Lexi & Brooke spent the day with Weve and then the next day we went to Idlewild.  Friday was GiGi Fran day and she came and played with them until Weve got home.  They LOVED that time too and keep talking about GiGi Fran.  Next week is their first day at Genesis preschool on Thursday.  I'm using that day to work from home if need be, clean the house, maybe have some time to myself to catch a movie / mani-pedi or late lunch with Weve after he gets home from work.  I'm SOOO glad its been warm so early this year.  It was cold and rainy all last summer and that weather non-stop is kind of miserable.  Grafton had a heart attack on Thursday, but Praise God is doing much better and will be coming home soon!  I'm so relieved to hear that.  I don't want the Lord taking him home yet!
Alisa & Wayne came over last night and hung out for awhile - they are so much fun!  They're considering having their wedding in our back barn and we were brainstorming how to do it and the logistics of it.  First we  need to see if we're allowed, if its feasible and then get going.  I hope so, I'd LOVE to have a wedding out there!  Here are some pics of the girls at Idlewild:

Back to work and loving it!

This Wednesday was my first day back to work and I'm having a blast!  It's really nice to have that time again to work and have the camaraderie amongst my co-workers.  The people I'm working with are really cool and fun and its refreshing to have some adult conversation.  Lexi & Brooke spent the day with Weve and then the next day we went to Idlewild.  Friday was GiGi Fran day and she came and played with them until Weve got home.  They LOVED that time too and keep talking about GiGi Fran.  Next week is their first day at Genesis preschool on Thursday.  I'm using that day to work from home if need be, clean the house, maybe have some time to myself to catch a movie / mani-pedi or late lunch with Weve after he gets home from work.  I'm SOOO glad its been warm so early this year.  It was cold and rainy all last summer and that weather non-stop is kind of miserable.  Grafton had a heart attack on Thursday, but Praise God is doing much better and will be coming home soon!  I'm so relieved to hear that.  I don't want the Lord taking him home yet!
Alisa & Wayne came over last night and hung out for awhile - they are so much fun!  They're considering having their wedding in our back barn and we were brainstorming how to do it and the logistics of it.  First we  need to see if we're allowed, if its feasible and then get going.  I hope so, I'd LOVE to have a wedding out there!  Here are some pics of the girls at Idlewild:

Sunday, May 23, 2010

I OFFICIALLY can't cook

Today we were eating dinner and Weve said the corn was kind of waxy.   I said "Yeah, I probably didn't cook it long enough or something like that - I don't know."  Lexi then said "Mom, you know what you need?  A cookbook.  It will tell you the instructions of how to cook things since you can't cook right.  Or, Daddy can just cook since you can't cook right!"
Ha ha!

Weve just covered his face with his hat as he tried not to laugh and I cracked up and said "Well, Lexi, you are right, I can't argue with the truth!"

So, you know its pretty bad when your 3 1/2 year old confirms your shortcomings to you.  I'm sure I'm in for much more in the future!  Now I'm wondering when she's going to suggest a psychologist and plastic surgery to me?!?!

Tonight is the end of a really fun stay-cation.  I'm going to miss the relaxing days, Weve being home all day and eating out (Lexi will probably miss that the most!).  I'm looking forward to starting work this week and getting some kind of routine going again.

I finally uploaded a few pics I took of the girls earlier in the week and here they are: